Thoughts on…
Mary Shepherd – Volume 2
Is Shepherd the Materialist Author of the 1819 Treatise?
Series: Research Thoughts on…
Lady Mary Shepherd - Volume 2
Sole author: Liba Kaucky
Copyright © Liba (Libuse) Kaucky 2015-2024) Copyright
acquired automatically under UK law)
The moral rights of this author have been asserted, including:
The Right of Attribution (eg the right of an author to be credited)
The Right to Object to Derogatory Treatment (eg affecting the author's reputation)
The Right of Integrity (eg prejudicial distortions of the work)
The Right of Attribution (eg the right of an author to be credited)
The Right to Object to Derogatory Treatment (eg affecting the author's reputation)
The Right of Integrity (eg prejudicial distortions of the work)
The Right to Object to False Attribution

Publication: 2022; 2024
Publication by Liba (Libuse) Kaucky as a blog ebook
on at The Lady Mary Shepherd Philosophy Salon, available at:
Liba Kaucky ResearcherID: P-2484-2016
Liba Kaucky ORCID ID:
Academia website profile:
First edition.
Editor: Liba Kaucky
Cover photo: Copyright © Liba (Libuse) Kaucky (photographer)
All rights reserved. No reproduction without written
permission from Liba Kaucky. No part of this blog ebook may be reprinted or
reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other
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Current titles in this series:
Research Thoughts on… Lady Mary Shepherd - Volume 1
Research Thoughts on… Spinoza - Volume 1
Research Thoughts on… Spinoza - Volume 2
Research Thoughts on… Spinoza – Volume 3
Research Thoughts on… Margaret Lucas Cavendish - Volume 1
Forthcoming titles:
Research Thoughts on… Lady Mary Shepherd - Volume 3
Research Thoughts on… Spinoza - Volume 4
Research Thoughts on… Margaret Lucas Cavendish - Volume 2
I would like to
dedicate this book to my mother, Jana, without whose endless love, continual
encouragement and support this book would not have been possible. I want to
take this opportunity to thank her for always being there for me throughout
life’s ups and downs and for always having total belief in me and giving me the
confidence to follow my dreams. I love you!
Part 1
Chapter 1: The Feminist Task of Analysing Female Authorship
Chapter 2: 'An Undiscovered Manuscript by Shepherd?'
Chapter 3: 'Who Authored the 1819 Treatise?
Women Geologists and Authorship'
Chapter 4: 'The Problem of Inconsistent References to the Title of the 1819 Treatise. Was James Milne the Author of Shepherd's 1819 treatise?'
Part 2
Chapter 5: 'Shepherd, Brown and historical, contextual considerations surrounding scholarly responses to Hume'
Chapter 6 'Shepherd on Reason'
Chapter 7 'Engrafting Errors'
Chapter 8 'Non Causa Pro Causa'
Chapter 9 'Experimentum Crucis'
Chapter 10 'Experimentum Crucis in Shepherd's 1827 Treatise'
Chapter 11 'Experimentum Crucis in Shepherd's 1824 Treatise'
Chapter 12 'Materialistic Methodology'
Chapter 13 'Conclusions Drawn on Shepherd's Authorship'
Chapter 14 'Conclusions Drawn on Shepherd's Materialism'
Concluding Remark
Part 1
In Part 1, I address the recent controversial scholarly debate surrounding the authorship and attribution of an anonymously published 1819 Treatise to Mary Shepherd. This raises themes and topics that I shall further in Part 2.